Five step selection guide for your new house

Five Step Selection Guide for your New house

A new build is actually a collection of a lot of emotions such as excitement, the stress, the tension altogether. One decision leads to another and has a great impact on another as well. In this article, we’ll bring a five step selection guide for your interiors.

Consider the Exteriors

Exterior finish selection should be the first decision you shall make on your newly constructed home. Exterior finishes tend to be highly frustrating as it entirely represents your entire construction. The outside of the home is important, it is basically the first impression of your home to the guests when they visit.

If your construction is in a planned community, the builders might already have a rule for how close an elevation and the brick selection can be next to each other so the neighborhood looks better and in sync with one another.

If you have built a custom home, you must play nice with others on your street to maintain your property value.

Interiors of your New Build

Now let’s get into all the pretty type pinterest boards that you have been gathering pins for.The interiors of your new build. For the interiors, before you get into checking the trends and are attracted by the latest trends, remember that you will surely get tired of trendy interiors.Try not to make trendy selections that you will get tired of. 

For instance, multiple color mosaic tiles for the bathroom are highly popular, but it will also be boring in 5-10 years. Don’t get carried away by the trend, if you like gray, go with gray. Gray is the classic all time amazing color for your interiors. Remember to keep the selection classic for your permanent surfaces and choose the trendy ones for the surfaces that are easier to switch out.

Top of the Kitchen Counters

Because the kitchen is the heart of the house, the first place to start is the kitchen. Talking about the kitchen, countertops rule the game of impression. The selection of your countertop will determine the rest of your selections for the kitchen. Most of the newly built projects have an open concept living. At least with the family room and kitchen operating as a single unit.


The same principle that we discussed for kitchen interiors. Countertops first and then showers and backsplash tiles and then the cabinets. For instance you can select a graceful white and marble bathroom with gold hardware that warms up the overall tones. The right combination of dark wood and vanity mixed with white tones of the floor, tub and wall can also be gorgeous. When you choose grey in the bathroom, it will be stunning and classic. 


Flooring is one of the major investments that you won’t be able to rip out every 10 years. During the flooring selection, you must look for durable and timeless options. I would recommend the same hardwood as the cabinets. Choose a neutral undertone; do not go for orange, red or yellow. And about the lighting, choose the one that blends with all your other selections. The hardwood floors are a classic selection that brings a nice and medium tone.

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